Access virtual training wherever you are

Given how much we now interact with each other through computer screens, it’s fair to say that virtual engagement is here to stay. Training which not only helps people be effective in this forum, but which is delivered virtually is therefore essential. More Than Words’ interactive and experiential approach meets the need for such training.

Typically, our trainings are delivered as a bespoke response to clients’ specific requirements; please, therefore, think of what you see here as a guide. We’re happy to create a hybrid solution, blending elements of different courses to meet your need. Feel free to discuss what you’re looking for with us; we find it’s a great way to understand and respond to you more personally.

As it is commonly recognised that people’s attention can wane during virtual engagement, we’ve devised courses to be delivered in bite-size chunks. Plus, participant numbers are purposefully kept low, so as to maintains focus and ensure everyone gets personalised input.


I’ve just attended a Virtual Sales Presentation Training with More Than Words, which has been really insightful and beneficial, both for my development and to see the team in action. I’ve really enjoyed the sessions and learned a lot to reflect and act upon.

Jodie Bridge, Business Leader, Precision Diagnosis, Philips.

Menu of training solutions

We create all training to suit you; use this menu as a guide to sort and select what you'd like. You can drag each course around the menu and drop in place to suit your priorities as you and your learning and development team discuss options.

Strengthening Self Confidence

This session is for those wanting to gain more confidence in bolstering their right have a conversation or step in to the next role.


The session covers:

  • The importance state of mind plays.

  • Becoming aware of the quality of internal dialogue and how to rationalise it.

  • Recognising how we award others value, worth and status, so we can learn how to award this to ourselves.

  • Building a personal ‘confidence reserve’ to call on when needed.

1 x 2-hour session
4 people

Personal Impact and Presence

This session is for those who want to raise their profile in an organisation and have greater presence in meetings.


The session covers:

  • Understanding the dynamics of impact beyond what we say, especially how physical and vocal can add or detract depending on how used.

  • Becoming familiar with physical alignment, freeing the body to work effectively while looking confident in the eyes of others.

  • Learning to breathe efficiently: to aid relaxation, energise, think more clearly and develop a clearer voice.

  • Speaking to be heard; developing the 5P’s: Projection, Pronunciation, Pace, Pitch & Pause.

1 x 2-hour session
4 people


This course is for those who want to own their right to ‘be in the room’, to have a voice of authority and appear confident.


The sessions cover:

  • Understanding the dynamics of impact beyond what we say.

  • Physical alignment which frees the body to work effectively while looking confident in the eyes of others.

  • Breathing to: aid relaxation, energise, think more clearly and develop a clearer voice.

  • Speaking to be heard; developing the 5P’s: Projection, Pronunciation, Pace, Pitch & Pause.

  • Becoming aware of internal dialogue.

  • Learning to award ourselves value, worth and credibility.

  • Creating a ‘confidence reserve’ to draw on when needed.

  • Practising use of confidence reserve with coaching.

2 x 2-hour sessions
4 people

Being Vocally Engaging

This session is for those wanting to develop greater vocal dexterity in how they engage others.


The session covers:

  • Ensuring tone of voice matches the intention of the message.

  • Delivering direct messages so they land with authority.

  • Playing with the rhythm (tone, pace, energy, pause) of speech to create more interest for the listener.

  • How to generate emotional responses in others through vocal expression.

1 x 2-hour session
4 people

Presenting With Impact

This course is for those new to presenting, those uncomfortable with it or those who want to refine their abilities.


Sessions cover:

  • Understanding the dynamics of impact beyond what we say.

  • Physical alignment which frees the body to work effectively while looking confident in the eyes of others.

  • Breathing to: aid relaxation, energise, think more clearly and develop a clearer voice.

  • Speaking to be heard. Developing the 5P’s: Projection, Pronunciation, Pace, Pitch & Pause.

  • Practising the art of strategic silence.

  • Using the eyes so people feel connected with as we engage them.

  • Becoming familiar with the rhythm of language to nuance what we say.

  • Defining clear messages, then applying structure which gets attention and leaves clear messages.

  • Practising delivery with personalised feedback and coaching.

3 x 2-hour sessions
4 people

Influential Interactions

This course is for those who want to practise greater communication flexibility in order to become more influential.


Sessions cover:

  • Becoming aware of the different factors that influence others.

  • Exploring different physical and vocal approaches which can be moved between to suit different work tasks and types of people we engage.

  • Breathing which relaxes, gives time to think and releases a clear voice.

  • Speaking to be heard; developing the 5P’s: Projection, Pronunciation, Pace, Pitch & Pause.

  • Practising the art of strategic silence.

  • Learning to neutralise vocal tone when delivering key messages, so they land with authority.

  • Exploring vocal choices of volume and speed.

  • Looking at language choices: logic and relationship brain preferences; and exploring the vocal sounds associated with each.

  • Revealing four types of communicator preference; to show language, physical and vocal choices associated with each.

  • Practising flexibility with different preferences.

  • Listening exercise, with techniques to focus attention so we listen more effectively.

  • The Flow of Influence: different communication positions which allow others to feel more involved and valued.

  • Becoming aware of mind choices, to reinforce our confidence in front of others.

  • Steering-in to have necessary conversations.

Role play:
Optional 4th session where actor facilitators are brought in to role play scenarios created by participants pertinent to work.

3 x 2-hour sessions. Option for 4th session with role play.
4 - 6 people

Achieving Peak Performance

The session helps participants understand their worth, be proud of what they bring to an organisation and encourages them to achieve more.


The session covers:

  • Defining qualities of peak performers.

  • The Mindset Principle – defining how outcomes are generated by the choices we make.

  • Identify what makes us an achiever, but also any limiting beliefs we may have.

  • Differentiating Drivers and Blockers.

  • Identifying what we want others to notice in us.

  • Visualisation as a tool to help picture what’s next.

  • Desiring the difference between now and vision.

  • GROWTH & SMART models, creating steps to change.

  • Working with a buddy partner to agree ways forward.

1 x 3-hour session
Max 6 people

Emotional Awareness

This session enables participants to recognise and understand what drives behavioural responses, so they can respond better in emotionally driven situations.


Session covers:

  • Defining emotions, to better understand them.

  • Identifying our emotional triggers.

  • Recognising physical responses and learning to calm them.

  • Seeing it from someone else’s perspective.

  • The Emotional Intelligence model; to ‘Name it, don’t be it’.

  • Introducing Transactional Analysis: defining Parent, Adult & Child characteristics.

  • Parent & Child physical, vocal and language choices.

  • Bringing a balanced Adult intellectual and behavioural response.

  • Differentiating Drama and Winner Triangle positions.

  • Practising shifting from Drama to Winner positions.

1 x 3-hour session
Max 6 people

Media Training

For those required to respond to the media. Sessions focus on vocal and physical nuancing, to help participants be perceived as confident and responsive through the media.


This is mostly delivered one on one, as it allows for a more bespoke response to an individual’s needs.

1 or 2 x 2-hour sessions
1 person